What engaging websites MUST achieve

A quick guide for artists & overthinkers, tiny operations & million-dollar organizations

I love telling compelling stories through websites, and I was reflecting recently about what clients struggle with the most about their website & copy.

Some come to me with a list of objectives they’d like their site copy to accomplish (ex: more sales, intro calls, or downloads). 

Other clients come to me knowing that something is off with their site & copy, but they don’t know what’s wrong or why it’s not working. 

In our discussions, I hear these business owners implore,

“If only my potential customers met me or saw my work in person…” or “If only I could get someone on the phone, then they would realize that what I bring is perfect for what they need / so powerful.”

If you can relate, know that you’re not alone. It is really common for organizations of any size to feel like their digital home doesn’t fully, accurately, or authentically represent them.

What can you do about it, beginning today? Here’s what I recommend.

website assessment

Step 1: Complete a quick, 2-question site & copy assessment

When I conduct a client audit, I start by asking myself these two questions:

  1. Does their site communicate the artful essence of what they do? Does it feel like them in their element?

  2. Is their site organized, easy to navigate, and does it inspire me to take action?

The answers to these two questions illuminate most web copy + site problem areas for everyone from artists to overthinkers, tiny operations to large million-dollar organizations.

*Little side note: If it feels like I’m flip flopping between talking about a website & web copy - that’s because the two have to work together for a cohesive digital story to be told. Words, layout, visuals, colors, tone—they all contribute to the full experiential story of your company or cause online. 


Step 2: Launch your best (unpaid) 24/7 salesperson

When you’re ready to go deeper into what your site & copy should accomplish, confirm it does these three things:

  1. Connects - Do potential customers know they have come to the right place? Is the messaging clear and customer-focused? Do potential customers feel like you’ve helped “people like them”?

  2. Captures - Most visitors will not book a session or buy a product from you upon first contact. Does your copy capture leads to grow your email list? How do you plan to follow up and how can you deliver value before they click away?

  3. Builds trust - Does your copy communicate the benefits of your products & services? Does it showcase authentic results other people have experienced? Does it give you a place to showcase your expertise and publish a steady stream of useful content for ideal customers?

*Side note #2:  This easy framework was taught to me by the fabulous Marie Forleo.

creative website

Step 3: Go for full self-expression & massive amplification 

If you’ve got a working website but still feel like something is missing, check whether your web copy & site:

  1. Inspires YOU - This is not just a business, this is your life’s work and what you’ve been building towards for the last few decades. If you aren’t inspired by yourself and your messaging, who else could be?

  2. Is evolutionary - Is your copy & messaging reflective of the latest version of you? Can you easily update your site & copy when you need to and when a new aspect of your artistry unfolds? Does the message point to the BIG-ness of where your movement or cause can go and what you envision?

With so many DIY web platforms available these days, you can start with a compelling 1-page site that accomplishes each of these objectives and grow into your full self-expression over time. Want to see how this could happen in a 1-day sprint?

😬 or 😍 How does your current site or copy rate? 

Want a little clarity? Leave me a link to your site, LinkedIn profile, or social media pages in the comments. I’d love to check you out no matter how you feel about your digital home. If you are open to feedback on what I liked, say so and I’ll shoot you a DM with three things that are working well for you.

Keep sharing your work with the world. We need you.

Victoria Lucía Montemayor

Founder & Master Storyteller


The New Rules to Writing Online for Thought Leaders


Don’t wait to get your work online