the easiest way to NEVER experience writer’s block
If you’ve ever felt yourself floundering when trying to put something into words on a screen but can easily answer any question lobbed at you in-person, today’s tip is for you.
Often, those of us who are impact driven have the hardest time writing about ourselves.
We know we bring value with what we do or provide, but when we’re staring at that blank screen and blinking cursor—we freeze.
I actually call it the Blank Page of DEATH… it’s an intentionally dramatic name for an intense experience.
When a visionary or leader experiences the Blank Page of DEATH, negative, critical, or anxious thoughts get the better of them and they avoid starting or finishing that piece of “marketing”—the website copy, that email, or that social post—because they don’t know what to say or how to say it in an authentic way (that could potentially also make a sale or a genuine connection).
This can go on for years, and that means your message and work stays hidden from the people who need it for years.
If you’ve been haunted by the Blank Page of Death and regular writer’s block, I want you to try this next time you feel the headache brewing.
The Audio Record Advantage
Use your speaking strengths to clarify your message
My clients? They’re speakers, trainers, and educators. They thrive on stage, in groups, or answering questions live. Whether they’ve been in their industry for days or decades, they live and breathe what they’re offering to the world.
When we first hop on a call together, I’ll ask them questions to deeply understand their vision and full scope of impact and I record every word that leaves their mouth (even if it’s our first meeting).
For entrepreneurs who are great speakers but not great writers, what comes out of these conversations is often the most heartfelt, compelling explanation of their business. They speak with clarity and share their soul. I use those conversations (and every conversation we have) as a foundation for future copy.
Although I love conducting Website Clarity Audits where we’ll do this exact exercise, you don’t need me to use this tip. You can do this on your own! Here’s how:
Write down common questions
Think about the top questions you get in your business and write them down.
Here are a few prompts that can help:
Tell me about your business...
How did you get into this industry?
What inspired you to start it?
Can you tell me a story about someone who got amazing results from working with you or buying your product?
Audio record your answers
Hit record on an audio recorder or video recorder on your phone or computer.
My favorites are:
Google recorder
Turn on the recorder and read off the questions you wrote down one at a time. Pause after each one, consider your honest response as if someone else just asked you that question.
Then imagine there’s a real person in front of you and speak straight from the heart.
After you finish one question, move onto the next or ask a follow up question to what you said.
Transcribe & edit
Later, transcribe the conversation as the basis for your heartfelt copy.
You’ll find that you can pull out phrases, statements, and whole paragraphs from your recorded conversation that are the perfect starting point for written copy and headlines. There’s are ways you’ll explain what you do and why that pull at people’s emotions and naturally compel people to say YES.
See below 👇👇👇
A deep listener? They help you speak magic ✨
Don’t worry about getting it right. Just get it out of your heart to start. Remember, the point of this exercise is to give you heartfelt story-based content to edit, not a polished finished product.
Is recording yourself too hard? Grab a friend who’s a great listener and explain the basic premise of the exercise. Ask them to genuinely ask you the questions you wrote down + any follow-up ones that come to mind. Don’t forget to hit RECORD to capture your easy flowing conversation. You can easily do this over zoom with anyone in the world!
Have a long convo to transcribe? I use as a cheap way to help transcribe extra-long recordings.
That’s my Little Victory for today.
Please let me know—was this helpful? Do you experience writer’s block? Have you found other easy ways to beat it? I’d love to know!
Please share your experience below. Your insights might just help someone reading this cure their Blank Page of DEATH symptoms forever.